Plain Ring Gage

Plain Ring Gage for Go/NoGo part inspection, or use as master for bore gage. All Vermont Gage product come with certificated of accuracy.

Type of Ring Gage:
- Class: XX, X, Y, Z
- Go, NoGo, Master Tolerances
- Tool Steel, Chrome Plated Tool Steel, Carbide
- Marked with size

  • Manufacturer Code Ring Gage
Plain Ring Gage drawing
(0.01mm step)
Class Tolerance
GO(-) · No/Go(+) · Master(±)
Tool Steel / Chrome Plated Carbide
1.520 – 20.960 XX 0.00051 O O
X 0.00102 O O
Y 0.00178 O O
Z 0.00254 O O
20.961 – 25.400 XX 0.00076 O O
X 0.00152 O O
Y 0.00229 O O
Z 0.00305 O O
25.401 – 38.350 XX 0.00076 O O
X 0.00152 O O
Y 0.00229 O O
Z 0.00305 O O
38.35 – 63.75 XX 0.00102 O X
X 0.00203 O
Y 0.00305 O
Z 0.00406 O
63.75 – 114.55 XX 0.00127 O
X 0.00254 O
Y 0.00381 O
Z 0.00508 O
114.55 – 165.35 XX 0.00165 O
X 0.00330 O
Y 0.00483 O
Z 0.00635 O
165.35 – 228.85 XX 0.00203 O x
X 0.00406 O
Y 0.00610 O
Z 0.00813 O
228.85 – 305.05 XX 0.00254 O
X 0.00508 O
Y 0.00762 O
Z 0.01016 O